Fill Your File Folder Mailing

After brainstorming with our client, we came up with an idea that would allow us to stay in front of and provide value to our client throughout the semester. At the beginning of the fall semester, we mailed out a uniquely designed file folder to our list of accounting educators, asking them to keep it handy, as we’d soon be filling it up with goodies. Over the course of the semester we sent them useful resources to use in their classroom and drove them to check out the website for more online resources throughout the year. After the initial campaign, the folders and resources were mailed out as toolkits to new educators just coming our way. Mailed in a clear envelope, the folder itself greeted the teacher in their mailbox ensuring they needed to open it up!


Client: Start Here, Go Places. 

Services provided: Strategic brainstorming and planning, design, copywriting, production management, project management