Your True CPA Type
CPAs have unique skills and different motivations that drive them. To get to the heart of that, we created an online tool – Your True CPA Type – which helps CPAs discover insights about themselves as well as what they have in common with other accountants among the AICPA professional community.
The challenge? For CPAs to review the typical attributes of and select the CPA “type” they believe best describes them. Then, we test their self-awareness in an engaging survey. The big question, do you know yourself?
You may be surprised by what you learn. At the end of the survey, users see if their self-selection aligns with the results and can share those results with their friends via social media, challenging them to discover their true CPA type. To further enrich the experience, users are supplied with valuable resources catered specifically to them and a downloadable report full of interesting and pertinent statistics a la an infographic.